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Specific American English terminology is used in this week's "Adaptation course for college graduates" piece. It is most important to remember that "college" means university, and "high school" means secondary school (stredná škola), which is also true for British English, except that "college" in Britain can mean a specialized university-level institution (law college, medical college, art college), or something like "nadstavba" for professional job training (further education college, vocational college), or a special kind of "internát" at the traditional Oxford, Cambridge and Durham universities.

College (university) students in the USA may live in dormitories. Some secondary schools in Britain use "High School" as part of their name, because it sounds good. That doesn't mean that they have to be equivalent to "gymnázium" here in Slovakia - the closest translation for "gymnázium" is "grammar school", expressing the idea of more traditional academic education, typically leading on to university/college.



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