KONTAKT  |    _eng _sk

Chapter. This comes originally from the Latin word for "head" (caput - the German word for broken, kaputt, also comes from this, through some 17th-century French card-playing slang), but the meaning has developed from the idea of "the top thing" to "something with a top". The chapters of a book usually have a title (a heading), and they are the main sections that the book is divided into.

This idea of organizations divided into sections with leading roles is also widespread. Starting with church organizations, a conference of bishops is called a chapter - this is the basis for the "Spišská kapitula", the Spiš Chapter in English, being the top church authority in this region. The group of leading people in a monastery or a cathedral is also called the chapter. Then there are chapters in other organizations where the leading people are elected representatives of the members, and for this reason I have used the word chapter for the sections of a trade union directly involving its worker members.



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