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Vice-president or Vice President? The Slovak title is one complete word - Viceprezident or Viceprezidentka. Webster's dictionary has vice-president (also vice-principal, vice-chairman, and so on) with a hyphen (-), explaining that vice is a Latin adverb meaning "instead of" (namiesto, v zastúpení). It's also used in the expression vice versa, meaning "and the other way round".

The separate form Vice President appears to be predominantly American usage (Google doesn't distinguish hyphenated from separate forms), possibly to emphasize the word President as the more important part of the title. There are other meanings of "vice" - neresť, necnosť, zhýralosť, zlozvyk; also mravnostná polícia; or a mechanical vice (zverák), but the American spelling is vise - in any case these meanings cannot be understood in the form of the person's title, hyphenated or separate.



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