KONTAKT  |    _eng _sk

There's a good play on words (otherwise known as a pun in English) in the Slovak title for the piece on the hearing-impaired teenagers' football tournament: "Zlato do Ruska, dobrý zvuk do sveta". That "zvuk" doesn't really mean "sound", its literal meaning. If it did, it would be a bit of classic English humour, showing no mercy to any kind of disability, as while the sound went round the world, the tournament players would not be able to hear it.

Slovak humour is generally not so cruel, so it's necessary to look for another sense of "zvuk", which could be "good name" or "reputation". With teams coming from 21 countries, good reports from the tournament could really spread around the world. So I was looking for an English word which combines the ideas of "sound" and "quality", and I think "resonance" hits the mark. It suggests the deep, echoing sound of a concert-hall or church organ, which makes most people feel good inside.



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