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Summer internship again this year

This year U. S. Steel Kosice is once again preparing a summer internship program for third- and fourth-year students attending colleges and universities in Slovakia. This will be the sixth time young people are getting the opportunity to join in the production and management processes of the steelmaking company, to learn from experienced managers, and to supplement their theoretical knowledge with practical experience which their courses of study alone cannot provide. During the five years of this project so far, the best part of 600 students have expressed interest in taking part, but only those who successfully fulfilled the conditions of the selection process got places on a particular internship.

We are going to continue with further charity projects

On Thursday of last week at U. S. Steel Kosice the President of the Company David H. Lohr met with the organizers of the Wishing Trees project to thank them for their initiative in carrying out this very successful charity activity. He addressed particular thanks mainly to all the employees of USSK and its subsidiaries, as well as people from other partner firms and occasional visitors to the steelworks, who donated gifts and thus fulfilled the Christmas wishes of children in four foster homes around this region. U. S. Steel Kosice intends to continue with further charity projects in the coming year, aiming in doing so especially at enhancing the quality of its charitative activities. USSK will be working actively together with all institutions and charity organizations in the city and the region, looking for new methods of assisting people in need. At the meeting all the organizers and gift-donors involved in the Wishing Trees activity were thanked by the President's wife Susan Lohr personally, who was the initiator of this extraordinarily successful project.

Steelmakers appreciate accuracy and speed of information

We are getting confirmation that the Human Resources Infocenter, set up by U. S. Steel Kosice early last year as a component of the new operating model of HR management, has been a particularly good innovative step. Employees and managers at various levels in the Company who have already applied to the Infocenter with a request for help or advice are full of praise for its services. Above all they appreciate the speed of response and fullness of information which they have obtained in answer to their questions and needs.

USSK supports an exceptional project

Provision of first aid to accident victims by lay people before the paramedics arrive can often save the injured people's lives. Many people involved in accidents, though, are afraid to give that first aid. For this reason anestheziologist Dr. Igor Krupa from the Louis Pasteur University Hospital in Kosice had the idea of starting up a unique project for dealing with the fears of lay citizens about giving first aid, which is being supported by U. S. Steel Kosice. The essence of this project lies in a campaign consisting mainly of short instructive films using model situations to show how to provide first aid simply and effectively, bearing in mind the level of seriousness and the variety of first aid which can be given. These films will be broadcast on public service television, and the campaign will be supported by parallel spots on the radio, information on billboards and reports in the press.

USSK Ice-hockey Championships

The sports calendar for 2007 was opened with the USSK Ice-hockey Championships, which now traditionally features as an event in the Company Winter Olympic Games. But this year sees the grand 40th edition of these hockey championships for the traveling trophy called the U. S. Steel Kosice President's Cup. The group round games started to play on January 9th on the ice of the Steel Arena, the Ladislav Trojak Winter Stadium.


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