According to the 2019 Annual Report, in the course of the last twenty years
U. S. Steel Košice has invested more than 689 million USD in dozens of ecological projects. The results of these efforts are noticed every day not only by the steelworks employees themselves, but also by the residents of the surrounding villages and towns.
The Company has paid great attention to protecting all aspects of the environment, whether the atmosphere, surface and ground water, or waste processing. Probably the most significant change which local residents can see is connected with the air quality, as emissions of solid pollutants alone have been reduced by 93 per cent since 2001. USSK General Manager Environmental Miloš Fodor has the details: “By the end of this year we expect to see the completion and official approval of the air quality improvement facility on sintering line no. 1, de-dusting of the ore conveyors for blast furnace no. 2, as well as de-dusting of the coke suppliers to coke batteries no. 1 and no. 3. The completion of these facilities will be the culmination of the capital investment projects co-financed with EU funds with the aim of improving air quality within USSK and its environs. These projects have focused on reducing concentrations of solid pollutants generally, and in addition to this on the sintering lines we have also brought into operation equipment for eliminating so-called dioxins and furans.”