USS President and CEO Mario Longhi visited the Kosice plant in Slovakia. He met more than 100 managers, discussing with them the current challenges which we have to face. First of all he reminded us about safety and the freedom to stop any actitvity which could result in injury. He referred to the most recent case of fatality at Gary.
Talking about markets Mario Longhi pointed out the similarities between the USA and Europe in the sense of the reasonable fight against illegal dumping. "We need to put up barriers against these practices which hurt our business, "said Mario Longhi and added : "We need to fight against dumping but at the same time we have to be diligent in our Carnegie efforts."
He expressed the strong belief that we have prepared ourselves for the next year and are in much better position than in previous years. He answered questions from the audience. Our managers were interested in trade defence instruments used in the USA. There were also questions about other facilities and possible cooperation between Kosice and plants in the USA, for example in the raw materials area