Safety champion for December was inspection fitter Ladislav Révés from the department of Director Reliability of Special Technical Equipment. Ladislav Révés' position involves him primarily in coordinating the removal of foreign matter during sintering. He already has two safety Carnegie projects to his name, and he also took part in the projects for increasing safety and reducing costs in the repairing of large plant (ladles 1,2,3 in the Blast Furnaces division) and in creating a safe path for access to the sintering flues.
The new safety champion for January was Slavomír Baran, specialist electrician for electro-maintenance of the converters in the Steel Plants division, who is also an employees' representative for occupational safety. He has joined in actively in seeking out risks, and thanks to his many years of work experience he has outstanding knowledge of the functioning and all processes in the steel shops and the continuous-casting and slabbing operations. He has taken personal part in the joint project of the Occupational Safety department and the labor unions called A Day with Newly-hired Employees.