CONTACT  |    _eng _sk

Presentation of problems and identification of topics for prospective cooperation between U. S. Steel Košice and the Slovak Academy of Sciences were the focal points of a workshop which took place on May 29 and 30 in Košice. This workshop culminated with an agreement on topics which the Slovak Academy of Sciences, U. S. Steel Košice and the Technical University of Košice can share in working on. In the first phase they are focusing on three projects: research in the fields of cold-rolling of electrical steel, joining of coated materials and improving the surface quality of hot-dip galvanized dual-phase steels. Andrej Krištofčík, Director Innovation and Strategy in the section of Vice President Engineering and Innovation, adds that by the middle of June there should be a meeting between the representatives of both teams at which they should set up a precise schedule of work. Before that the two sides will prepare the relevant contracts forming the basis for organizing the cooperation.


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