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Monday of last week, July 1, saw the beginning at U. S. Steel Košice of the 2019 Summer Internship for 37 college students, the 19th edition of this annual program. The students, 17 of whom have already completed a year of work experience at the steelworks, now face two “vacation” months filled with work supervised by their mentors in their allocated workplace, whether in sales, human resources, procurement, finance, environmental, IT, engineering and innovation, primary operations, finishing or production support. The organizers have also prepared an interesting training program for them, focusing on development of their presentation skills, occupational ethics, team-work, problem-solving and decision-making, and finally preparation for a job interview. In conclusion, as is now a well-established custom, the interns will be divided into groups and given a case-study to resolve, which is their chance to verify everything they have learnt.


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