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If you are a regular participant in the Company's Volunteer Days, or if this activity appeals to you and you would like to join in with it, you should now circle the dates May 17 and 18 in your diary. This is precisely when the thirteenth edition of the annual “Steelmakers For Košice” Volunteer Days event will be taking place, during which helpful people from U. S. Steel Košice and other volunteers will share in improving the premises of our partner organizations: Košice Zoo and the Botanical Gardens, the Forrest Gump Club, the Hurbanova Street Home for Children and Families, the Animal Shelter at Haniska and the Children's Railway in Čermeľ Valley. Once again we will be supporting the charity centers in the city with a collection of useful domestic items, and by joining in the “Steelmakers' Drop of Blood” donor drive you can give sick people more hope of recovery.


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