The largest steel producer in Central Europe. We strive for continuous improvement, in a responsible manner
and in an ethical way. We provide our customers and business partners with high quality products and services while maintaining cost efficiency
We are ready to provide you with expert service with a proactive approach that inspires product innovation. Read more about how Customer Technical Service and Research and Development create value for your business.
To make our cooperation more efficient, we present information for current and potential suppliers. At the same time, you will find information for employees, students and job applicants.
The steelmakers delivered once again this year. Out of nearly thirty competing teams lining up for the start of the grand 20th edition of the children's favorite annual event called Opatovská Rallye ...
Today, United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) President and Chief Executive Officer David B. Burritt announced new roles and responsibilities for operations-focused members ...
We, the undersigned CEOs of the European steel industry, are writing to you ahead of the final negotiations on the reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).
At the end of last week, May 12 and 13, the 11th edition of the annual Company event U. S. Steel Košice Volunteer Days took place, this time called Steelmakers for Košice 2017, ...
Working at the Blast Furnaces is hard and risky, so the success achieved there at the end of last month is all the more remarkable, in the form of one and a half million employee-hours ...
U. S. Steel Košice has launched a new Carnegie Way project entitled Optimizing SMS Texting, with the objective of cutting costs incurred by the sending of SMS texts through the SMS portal, ...
Last week, from May 9 to 12, U. S. Steel Košice underwent an external QMS audit. The audíting team, made up of Tadeáš Kurilovský, Pavel Chovanec, Pavel Horník and Tibor Molnár from ...
PITTSBURGH, May 10, 2017 – Today, United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) announced the retirement of Mario Longhi from the company on June 30, 2017.
Košice, May 10, 2017 – On May 12 and 13 (Friday and Saturday) the company event named U. S. Steel for Košice Volunteer Days will be held for the 11th time in a row.
On May 4, 2017, U. S. Steel Košice signed 42 agreements about future working contracts with students from the Secondary Vocational School in Košice – Šaca ...
On April 6 this year European steelmakers finally saw new anti-dumping measures imposed against imports of Chinese steel, when the European Commission decided on imposition ...
Less than two months have passed since the start of the first year of the one-year student internship programme at U. S. Steel Košice, and forty-six university students have already ...
The blare of fire truck sirens spreading throughout the steelworks on 6 April, 2017 in the afternoon was fortunately not a fire alert or an emergency, life-threatening situation.
It took three days at the end of last month to carry out the third supervisory audit of U. S. Steel Košice's
Energy Management System (EMS) in line with the EN ISO 50001 standard.